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Anne Marie
Baggenstoss LMT
Integrative Bodywork

Therapeutic Massage
With focus on the physical body, these sessions incorporate Myofacial Techniques, Swedish Massage, and Assisted Stretching to help relieve stress and holding patterns in the body. Individually catered to the client's needs, the objective of these sessions is to relieve pain & tension, and feel more relaxed in your body.
Craniosacral Therapy
With focus on the subtle body, these sessions tap deeply into the rhythmic movements of the craniosacral system & cerebrospinal fluid. These subtle movements are at the core of "who we are" and hold information from our entire life and possibility even lifetimes. The intention of these sessions is to acknowledge these cycles in the body and free any restrictive patterns that prevent us from living a full, free, & open expression of ourselves.

Energy Work & Reiki Touch
With focus on the subtle body, these sessions are spacious, gentle, and can be hands on or hands "off" the body. Reiki is an ancient tradition of allowing and trusting energy to flow where it needs to flow. Ego is removed, Agendas are removed, and all that remains is pure energy balancing itself out within your system.
All of these modalities can be blended together to create a wholesome and personalized experience.
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